Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mouths Of Babes

When I get frustrated with a whiney, uncooperative Kayden (almost 3), I tend to say things like "I'm gonna put you on the porch!" or "I'm gonna throw you out the window!" and then turn and walk away... It's not anything I'd EVER do, only a way to blow off steam...

Last night, we were having a hard time... Kayden was upset that her bandaid got wet but didn't want another one, then said she had to go potty but refused to walk to the bathroom because it would mess up her bandaid even more...

Mommy: I'm gonna throw you out the window!
(Paused, then tried to pick her up to carry her to the bathroom so she could go potty.)
Kayden: NO! Don't throw me out the window!!!
Mommy: (I burst out laughing) Baby, I'd never really throw you out the window!
Kayden: (Laughed, too, because Mommy was laughing so hard)


A few weeks ago, we were riding in the car when we came to a stop light. I reached back and grabbed her foot...

Mommy: I love you, Toes!
Kayden: Mommy! Don't touch my toes! They're DANGEROUS!

(Where does she get this stuff?!?!)

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