Friday, June 20, 2008

Fire Starter

I guess I lit a fire under some big-wig gulus yesterday.

The ladies who work for me have just about had it with the NC and the HS not communicating with them. So I sent this e-mail to their supervisor at the hospital and CCed each of them:

"I just wanted you to know that we may lose all of our techs effective July 1st if they don't hear something soon...

They have mentioned to me that they feel they are just being strung along and they have other things they could be doing with their time if they are not going to be hired on by NC.

I can't say that I blame them. They have been extremely loyal and dependable for years and now they were led to believe they would at least be interviewed for the openings with the new company and that doesn't seem to be the case."

Within an hour I had an e-mail from one of my techs which I forwarded on to their supervisor. It was kind of long but here is a short excerpt:

"I left a message with the gal who contacted (another one of the ladies) last week and still haven't had my phone call returned. I certainly thought that I would have heard something by now. If we know that they are not going to consider us for any NC positions, it is in my best interest to be done by July 1st. It's not worth my time to continue with this job if it isn't going to continue past this summer... We are essentially being forced out for no reason after years of employment - I have contacted an attorney in the employment law area to find out what my rights are... Thanks again for trying to help!"

Less than 2 hours passed when I got this (excerpted) e-mail from one of the HS department big-wigs:


[This] e-mail is to provide you with information about the contract with NC and what this will mean to you.

I spoke with the Director of Women's and Children's Health for the HS today. She is the leadership individual responsible for final decisions with NC, along with the Vice President of Women's and Children's Product Line for the HS. In our discussion today I was informed that the contract between NC and HS has yet to be signed, and transition to that service will not be before September 1st.

Please contact [Jane Doe] in HS Human Resources for any questions and concerns you may have regarding your employment with the HS.

We hope you will keep your PRN roles with our Newborn Hearing Screening Program at least until the Hospital transitions to NC. HR and I can discuss PRN opportunities within our department or even in other departments if you want to review maintaining employment with HS after NC contracting is implemented.

I am speculating that NC has not finalized their staffing plan and their staffing needs for this campus site yet, and that is probably why you haven't heard much from them so far re: any open positions. From personal experience, I do understand that 'not knowing' is stressful; I am sorry this is a stressful situation.

I am your resource if you have questions."

I got a phone call this morning from the NC with apologies and reassurances that all the ladies will be contacted for interviews on Monday.

I guess we'll see.

The funny part is that NC still believes they are going live with the HS on July 15th, even though the folks at HS responsible for the contract have set the date as September 1st.

I will try to have more Bailey stuff for you next week.

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