Thursday, February 19, 2009


I am a vegetarian. My husband is not. We agreed a long time ago that I would eat meat while I was pregnant. I feel the choice is mine not to eat meat and I have no right to tell anyone else what they should or should not put in their bodies. Since the child also belongs to my husband, I feel the least I could do is add a little meat to my diet.

I am what is known as an ovo-lacto-vegetarian. I eat eggs and dairy products, but no sea food or other kind of meat. It had been 8 years since I had eaten any meat. I had a feeling we were going to be adding to our family soon so, in January of 2008, I slowly added sea food back into my diet. In the fall of 2008, I began eating poultry again. But not just any poultry. It had to be "Bare Naked" or organic with no antibiotics or hormones or anything. Free range was best. And I was doing well. My diet was better overall and I didn't have any trouble adding the meats back into my diet.

So now I am expecting. Although I am eating meat now, it is no where near enough to meet my current protein needs. The first couple weeks, I increased my egg and dairy intake (I actually went through 3 gallons of milk in 5 days) and things were fine. I thought this was gonna be a piece of cake.

Not so. I am now having an aversion to eggs and dairy. I can barely take the milk on my cereal. The thought of eggs makes me nauseous. I can still handle yogurt and cheese but only by forcing myself to eat the first few bites.

The only thing I can tolerate no matter what is fruit, which I guess is a good thing. I eat a lot of apples, oranges, bananas, and strawberries and grapes (when they are on sale) and applesauce, canned pears, and mandarin oranges.

But there is another problem. I am hungry all the time. Even when I am full. I thought this was supposed to happen later when the baby takes up all the room inside, not in the first trimester!!!

So food is not my friend right now. I have not been sick yet but it's still early. I guess only time will tell...


8 weeks today...

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