Monday, February 23, 2009


Holy hormones, Batman! They hit me like a ton of bricks today...

This morning I woke up feeling fine. I ate a few saltines before I got out of bed, then got up to let Bailey out. I ate a big bowl of cereal and a handful of grapes and I got ready for the day.

Just as I was about to walk out the door, it hit me. I got so nauseous I thought I was gonna lose my breakfast. I hung out in the bathroom for a bit, then I ventured to the couch. Of course Bailey thought this was the perfect opportunity to play a bit of indoor fetch and kept pawing at the couch making it bounce. So I headed back to the bathroom. I was not about to get on the road feeling like that... I would have killed someone if I had lost it while driving.

After about 30 minutes, it faded and I was able to leave for work. I have been fine ever since.

Now I am sitting at my desk trying to work and I have not felt this irritated since I experienced "roid rage" while being treated for a spider bite 6 years ago. PMS has nothing on this!

I am annoyed at a mom who threw a fit this weekend because her baby didn't get a repeat hearing screen. We told her she would have to come back as an outpatient and she set the apt for next Friday. Then she told the nurses after the screener had left for the day that she was going out of town to stay with her parents for 2 weeks and couldn't make the apt. Who the hell travels with a newborn?!? Why aren't her parents coming HERE to help her? I think she was just full of it and didn't want to have to come back in. Too bad, do your job as a parent and get over yourself!!! I agreed to see her the same day as the pediatrician (in 2 weeks) so she could make one big trip instead of having to come twice. Of course she still hasn't called me with that date so they'll probably never come back and that is a crapload of paperwork I have to do.

I am annoyed at the parents who named their kid Anakin, because, seriously, who names their kid after Darth Vader?

I am annoyed that it took an act of God to get me a flat screen monitor in my office after I already had one and was told it wasn't part of the contract with the health system and the new company so they took it away. Then I started getting headaches from the curve of the screen on the ancient one they replaced it with and was blown off by everyone at the HS I asked for help. So I went to the NC techs and asked them for one. No problem, yes mam, right away. Then the health system got all bent out of shape about it. People are so stupid!!!

I am annoyed by the new mom who, at 23 years old, sucked her thumb the entire time I was screening her baby. This was her 2nd kid, and no, she did not have a developmental delay. She was just extremely immature. GROW UP!!!!

I am annoyed that when there is a sign on a hospital room door that says "SSHHH, hearing screen in progress, please return in 15 minutes" no one thinks this applies to them... and so everyone and their brother come traipsing into the room talking and complaining loudly while I need it quiet to finish the screen on the baby who needs to sleep for this to happen but is now awake because people are so LOUD and obnoxious!!!!

The highlight of my day was my husband calling to chat. I told him about my day and he suggested I just go home. Too bad I have a meeting at 4 and I babysit tonight on the other side of town... at least the kid isn't really a kid, but a pre-teen... and a pretty cool pre-teen at that... and I enjoy hanging out with her so much that I am dreading the day her mom decides she doesn't need me anymore...

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