My friend sent me this survey and I thought I would post it here so you can get an idea of the history and dynamic of our relationship:
1 What are your middle names?
Rose and Francis
2 How long have you been together?
Together since Dec. 23, 2001, married since May 23, 2003
3 How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Knew each other in HS but never dated; Started dating when we ran into each other at a mall.
4 Who asked who out?
He called me and asked me to dinner and a movie.
5 Who said I love you first?
He did but he'd never admit it... we were at a bar with a bunch of his friends about 2 weeks after we started dating and he had been drinking a bit... he said "you know how I feel about you, right?" I said "how" and he said "I love ya to death"
6 How old are each of you?
I am 32 and he is 34
7 Do you have any children together?
Not yet :-)
8 What about pets?
Bailey, a Doberman Pinscher
9 Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Compromising on things when we both feel strongly in different directions.
10 Did you go to the same school?
High school, yes
11 Are you from the same hometown?
12 Who is the smartest?
I have the book smarts, he has the common sense; He is also much more educated on financial and political things than I am.
13 Who is the most sensitive?
Me, but I know he has a soft spot deep down...
14 Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Lots of places: Outback Steak House, Golden Corral, Fizzoli's, Pizza Street
15 Where is the farthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Las Vegas right after we got engaged and again for our honeymoon.
16 Who has the craziest ex?
That's a draw. We've both dated some nuts...
17 Who has the worst temper?
He does...
18 Who does the cooking?
19 Who is the most social?
20 Who is the neat-freak?
I like things clutter-free but he likes things sterile... so as long as the junk and the space around it is clean, he is happy, where as I refuse to clean around the junk... you can see how this is a problem...
21 Who is the most stubborn?
Both of us, but I think he might just be a bit more...
22 Who hogs the bed?
23 Who wakes up earlier?
I wake up about 7 every day like clockwork... He is up at 5 during the week but sleeps til noon on the weekends... I wish I could do that...
24 How long did you date before getting married?
Just under 4 months when we got engaged, 17 months when we got married
25 Who has the bigger family?
26 Do you get flowers often?
twice... our first Valentine's he left 3 tulips in different spots around my apartment; the other time we had not been dating long and we had argued about something and he got me a little arrangement to apologize...
27 Who do you spend the holidays with?
Both families... we have merged Thanksgiving the past 2 years with both families together... Christmas we split Eve and Day...
28 Who is more jealous?
29 How long did it take to get serious?
a few weeks... we were looking at rings at about 6 weeks and were engaged at less than 4 months
30 Who sings better?
Me, he's cute when he tries but he can't carry a tune :-)
31 Who does the laundry?
Me... It only took him one time putting my Victoria's Secret bras in the dryer for me to take over that job exclusively.
32 Who's better with the computer?
Another draw...
33 Who drives when you are together?
Depends on who's vehicle we take, but I try to make him drive even if we are in my car... But if he drinks, I drive no matter who's car we're in.
34 Who picks where you go to dinner?
Both of us... we take turns if there is a difference of opinion.
35 Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong?
We are both bad about that... I usually try to keep the peace... we agree to disagree a lot...
36 Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Him... but he respects that I let him...
37 Who has more tattoos?
He has none so that would be me...
38 Who eats more sweets?
Me... but not so much the last few weeks...
39 Who cries more?
Me. I saw tears in his eyes while dancing with his mom at our wedding and he was inconsolable when Gizmo passed away... but that's it...
40 Are you two still a couple?
Of course... He can't get rid of me that easy :-)