As for my ladies, 2 were hired on at the main hospital, 1 was hired by a hospital I don't cover, and 1 was not hired at all. They said she didn't interview well and that she had an attitude.... I think she was just reflecting back the attitude of the person interviewing her, as well as expressing her frustration at the unreturned phone calls and e-mails and the 2 phone interviews when she got stood up...
It's gonna be emotional when I have them all over for the screener BBQ...

Bailey Loves playing in the water a the dog park. She splashes on the rocky beach and playfully jumps around til the water is almost up over her back... But she doesn't swim. She stays where she can touch.
We recently got a new pontoon boat which I am learning to drive. Bailey likes to stand up front and feel the breeze in her face... She does it all the time with my husband. But the other night I was driving and she was getting very close to the edge and was pawing at the water... I told my husband to put her life jacket on because she was making me nervous... he told me to slow down if I was that uneasy, and because I am still learning, I did... but I did it too fast... and Bailey flew off the front of the boat...
I threw it into neutral and my husband flew to the back of the boat... she was swimming but instead of doing the typical doggie paddle, she was just splashing with her front paws. She was moving forward but she was too freaked out to use her back legs. He went halfway down the ladder and helped her into the boat when she finally got to it. We put her life jacket on and went to a cove to drop anchor so we could swim some more... we didn't want her to be afraid of the water... He lowered her in and had her swim to me and she did okay, still splashing around. Then he pulled her back in and jumped in himself... while I was drying off, Bailey got too close to the front edge again and fell in as she was turning around... she did okay that time, too.
And the next time we went to the dog park, she was splashing around in the water again... still only where she could touch, but that's enough for me...
AND she was 69.6 lbs. on 7/13... she is getting so big!
This is the sweetest thing I think I've ever seen:
You'll have to copy and paste it because I still haven't figured out how to make it a link...
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