"Let me splain"*
Last night was Kayden's Baby Dedication at church. Proof that God has a sense of humor, it had been snowing since the night before (that's right... SNOW on the first day of Spring!)
After the Dedication, the whole family (minus my husband, who was working one job then heading to another) went out to eat. It was still snowing but the roads weren't too bad. After dinner, however, they were horrid...
On our way home, we got stuck. There is a really bad hill on our street that is next to impossible to get up in crappy weather unless you have 4-wheel-drive or chains. And you can't even get a running start at it because there is another hill followed by a curve right before it. So about half way up, my car stopped, then began to slide backwards. I tried to back down the hill but I kept sliding toward the ditch on the side of the road. Only by the GRACE OF GOD did I manage to back it into a driveway at the bottom of the hill.
So there we sat. I called my husband who, also by the Grace of God, happened to be home (because he wasn't supposed to be) and he came to get us. Now, I figured we would hop in the truck and I would just hold Kayden on my lap for the 200-300 yard trip home. The house where my car sat is a summer/weekender so I knew no one was home and I could just walk down and get it the next day when the snow had melted a bit and the roads were cleared.
But my husband insisted we try to get my car out of that driveway and home and he was in a hurry because he STILL HAD TO WORK after he got us home. I told him I wanted to take Kayden home first... I did not want her riding in the truck (with OR without a car seat as the case was) any more than absolutely necessary. So we took her home... he was in such a hurry, he told me to just LEAVE HER IN THE CRIB and we would be back within 15 minutes. He waited in the truck while I ran her inside and I bought time to frantically call a neighbor by changing into snow boots... the neighbor said he was on his way so I got back in the truck where my husband was impatiently waiting and we went back to get my car...
So in reality, she was only alone in the house for about 5 minutes... but I should never have left her at all... the alternatives, to me however, were MUCH worse... I didn't want her riding in the truck AT ALL let alone without a car seat and I sure as hell wasn't gonna let her ride in my car as my impatient husband tried to get it home.
So call DCFS if you must... I did what I felt I had to at the time... but if I am put in that situation again, I will probably tell my husband to kiss off...
*Indigo from The Princess Bride
I was pleased to learn of Bailey's behavior through all this when I got home...
The neighbor, who knew Bailey, said when he walked in the door, Bailey barked at him like she was gonna kill him, then ran into the nursery. The neighbor just sat down on the couch and waited... Bailey came out a few minutes later and sniffed him and loved on him... then he was able to check on Kayden...
So her first instinct was to protect... anyone who didn't know her would have been scared enough to leave right then... but after she calmed down and realized she recognized the neighbor's smell, she turned back into her old cuddly self and soaked up the attention :-)
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