With the ones who accepted, I exchanged the typical pleasantries and complements on their children, etc and then they faded into the FB background, only to pop up sporadically with random updates and/or pictures.
One of those friends was Mike... It just so happened that he was in the middle of some legal issues, too, so we vented our legal frustrations to each other and renewed a friendship that had been dormant since we were 14 years old...
As time passed, it was clear that our feelings for each other were starting to deepen past the friendship point. My divorce was not yet final so I made it very clear to him that if at any point before the judge signed the papers my husband had a change of heart and chose to do the things necessary to repair our broken marriage, our friendship would have to end as my priority was to my family first. He was very understanding and incredibly supportive... he chose to stick it out, knowing that the possibility of never speaking to me again was there...
The divorce did go through and he was there to comfort me and help me heal in any way I needed... we talked for hours about our past relationships and things we liked and didn't like... we discussed our mistakes and short-comings and talked about how we would do things differently if we were put in the same position again... we talked about our plans and dreams for the future and about our goals and things we'd like to see happen for our children (he has a daughter as well)...
And it just keeps getting better... He has become my best friend... there are no secrets or hidden feelings... we never argue, but discuss our differences of opinion with open-minded respect... we can agree to disagree and still respect each other when we don't see eye to eye... We are a real team when it comes to anything, from making dinner, to cleaning up after... He'll play with Kayden or read her a book so I can chat with a friend and she just adores him... I think his daughter, Kelsey, is great, and he happily steps back and lets me help with the teenage girly things with her...
It's funny how life plays out sometimes... I never, in a million years, thought I'd be dating my 8th grade boyfriend again... but I am excited and optimistic about what the future has in store for us...
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