Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Evolution of a Shiner

(So I got a text Sunday morning from Kayden's dad.... She was with him for the weekend: 

"We had a little accident last night... Ball took a bad bounce & caught Kayden in the face..."

(Aprox 14-16 hours post injury; slight swelling/bruising to the right side of her nose/eye...)

I texted back asking if she was in pain & he said no... Not surprised... She hardly cried when she fractured her foot at just over 2 years of age....

Monday morning, my mom sends me this picture:
(Aprox 36-40 hours post injury; more swelling/more discolored... I still haven't seen her in person yet...)

I again asked if she was in pain... Nope...

I meet my mom with Kayden Monday evening at Tae Kwon Do... It's the first time I've seen her since the injury...

(Aprox 48 hours post injury...)

Now I know I'm hormonal, but I seriously had to fight back tears... Still no pain complaints.... Her first real look at herself was at TKD in their wall mirror... "I look like a monster..." Said with a smirk....

I showed one of the docs at my office & he said he wanted to see her in a few days after the swelling went down so we have an appointment this Friday afternoon....

Her dad feels horrible... We both know it was an accident but that doesn't make it any easier to look at....

Today is Tuesday:
(A bit swollen from sleep....)

And we have her kindergarten readiness testing on Wednesday.... Hope the teacher isn't too horrified...


In other news, I'm 21 weeks... I feel pretty good but I can already tell this is going to be a long, hot summer.... Which is better than the sub-zero arctic weather we had this last winter... ;)

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