My inlaws adopted another dog. They have Bandit and Taz already. But when they heard about Geronimo, they decided to take him in. Have I mentioned how awsome my inlaws are? I am very blessed...
Anyway, back to Geronimo's story:
When my husband and I were trying to decide who would crop Bailey's ears, we wanted to see some of the work the vets did before we made the final call. My husband happend to know someone who had their dog's ears done recently. So we went by the guy's house to check out the work.
The guy had 3 boxers: a male, a female, and Geronimo, a puppy that his son had kept from a litter the male and female had had about a year ago (this was the dog with the recently cropped ears). Apparently, the kid never paid the dog any attention and guy just took care of it with the other 2 dogs. All 3 were kept in separate crates in an enclosed garage at the guy's home. They were let out various times throughout the day to play and go potty. The 2 older dogs seemed content with this. The puppy, Geronimo, however, did not seem quite as content. We could tell all he wanted was to play and jump and run and that just wasn't happening as much as it should. The guy told us he felt bad that he could not give the pup more attention and that his son neglected him so. We left feeling sad for the dog but pleased with the work done on his ears.
We told my MIL about the puppy and how much he just wanted to play and how bad the guy seemed to feel. We thought if we could find a good home for him, the guy would probably give him up.
Now, Bandit is getting older and is not really all that playful anymore and Taz is not quite 2 yet and wants to play all the time. My inlaws live on a couple of acres and have plenty of space for big dogs to run and play. So my inlaws decided to take Geronimo; good for Taz, good for Geronimo....
"G-mo" or "Mo" (as we have been calling him) has lost so much weight from all the running, my MIL was kinda worried. She told me she feeds him as much as he wants but he still slimmed down a lot from all the running, and he wasn't overweight to begin with....
So now they have 3 dogs. And Bailey loves to go over to play.
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