Tomorrow, my chunky monkey will be 8 months old. In a nutshell, here is what's been going on:
Right at 7 months Kayden learned to clap and was sitting up pretty stably. She also got her first 2 teeth within a week of each other. She was pretty tough though.... she just started acting fussy about 12 hours before the first one broke through and the only sign of discomfort with the other was a few nights with added feedings.
The last week of April we started Infant Swimming Resource (ISR), a class which teaches self water rescue to infants and young children.
In early May, Kayden went to her first circus. It was an old fashion kind with a big top tent and everything.
The first couple weeks of May, Kayden has really honed her movement. Although she is still not crawling, she scoots very well and has just started to figure out that the scooting can get her from one place to the other. Her sitter said she pulled herself up on a basket but was back down on her bottom before she could grab her camera and she never did it again.
I am considering taking on a volunteer position which may lead to a new career path. Since having Kayden, I have discovered a passion for a field I never would have thought of. It's a long road but I am starting on the reading requirements in the few spare minutes I have.
We've been dealing with cable TV issues for 3 weeks now and it's still not right. I don't know who is more frustrated: Me or my husband...
We lost power during a big storm a few nights ago and had to break out a generator to save the fish tank... we were blessed with deep freeze space at Kayden's sitter's house so we didn't lose any food thank God...
I have started to rebuild my stash of frozen milk. I am pretty sure I've worked out all the kinks and should be successful this time around.
Kayden kissed a boy for the first time last week.... My poor husband isn't gonna know what hit him....
Kayden is growing fast. She weighs 20 lbs and wears 12 and 18 month bottoms, partially because of her personal fluff and partly because of the added fluff of the cloth diapers. I am pretty sure she will slim down substantially once she starts moving around more.
I will go into further details on some of the above events in upcoming posts... hopefully the pics will tide you over til I can post again.
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