Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prego Brain

I am kinda forgetful. I right everything down and I double check most everything I do because I can't remember if I did it right or if I finished it or not.

So now I am in the family way and it has gotten so much worse.

I forgot to do a report on one of my employees... it was due back in March... I just completely spaced it.

Yesterday left my ID at home today... big problem...

I work on a secure unit that I scan my badge to get into. So I had to call security to let me into the garage, then go by the actual security office to trade my DL for a temp badge. When I got to the floor where I work, the badge wouldn't scan. I had to go back to security so they could fix it.

The key to my office and supply room are also on my badge... security had to unlock both doors for me.

We have a special bin where we put papers with confidential information that need to be shredded. It is locked and serviced by an off-site company. I had a list of patient names in one hand and my cell phone in the other. As I was walking by the bin, I went to toss the patient list in, but instead, I dropped my cell phone in. I had to call security to open the bin to get it out. The guard was very nice about it and laughed at me and told me that I had him running so much that day that he was starting to take it personally :-)

Not too sure what else I have forgotten... hope it wasn't anything too important... and I hope I can get through the rest of the week without doing anything else too stupid!!!


21 weeks today!

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