Saturday, November 8, 2008

NIght Out

Last night my husband and I went out on a date. We had tickets to see a popular comic at a large venue in the city and the plan was to go to dinner before hand.

Dinner was great. Then we drove downtown. When we got there, the place looked deserted but it looked like folks were parking in the lot adjacent to the venue. When we pulled into the lot we were approached by a parking attendant. He told us the show had been canceled and that there was no reschedule date. We were to return our tickets to the place of purchase for a refund.

We were so upset. We decided to call around to the local comedy clubs to see if anyone was playing. All we found were folks we never heard of, expensive tickets, and/or show times that would not allow us to get there in time. Disappointed, we decided to just go to a movie.

We saw Role Models with Paul Rudd and Sean Something (Stifler from American Pie). It was hilarious! I don't remember when I laughed that hard. The little kid was a riot! Walking out, I told my husband that was how his kid was bound to act. His response: "Yeah, we'll probably spend a lot of time up at the school..." We had a good giggle over that as well.

We decided to stop off at a local bar for a drink before we went home. While we were there, I noticed a bowling video game in a corner and challenged him to a game. We ended up playing 4 because I beat the pants off him and he kept wanting a rematch.

So even though the night did not go according to our plan, we had a great time. And I was keeping up on my vow to play more often :-)

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