Monday, November 17, 2008

The Weekend

I am exhausted.

I nannied all weekend and they wore me out. I got them off the bus on Thursday afternoon and didn't get home til almost 8 last night.

Friday they went to school and I went to work for a while, then to an interview... let's hope they like me more than the other 2 candidates. Friday night I let them stay up as late as they wanted which meant about 10:15 after we read s bunch of books.

Saturday we went to a free arts and crafts place and had lunch at a place that has a train deliver your food. Then we walked around the mall both places were attached to and played in the toy stores for a while before heading home.

Again, I let them stay up late and we all passed out around 10:00. Later that night, the little boy came into his parents' room where I was sleeping and crawled in to cuddle with me... I fell back asleep and woke up again when I heard more footsteps headed toward the room. I figured it was the little girl coming to join us... but it was a grown man who walked in the door!

Their parents had come home early. Dad crawled in bed on the other side of the little boy but there was no sign of mom. So, a bit creeped out, I got up to look for her. When I found her, she explained that their office had been broken into the night before. They had gotten in town around 3 that afternoon and had dealt with the police most of the afternoon and evening before going out for drinks with friends. They had intended to stay at a friend's house that night but after a few too many drinks, they decided to just get a ride home...

They ended up wanting me to stay all day Sunday so I could take the kids to a local pizza place that had an arcade attached. They had to go back to the office to meet with a computer guy to figure out if any protected information had been downloaded within the last 48 hours.

So it was almost 8 pm before I got home...

I need another weekend!

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