Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I had dinner with my hubby tonight. It was nice. We went to a cheap pizza place we both like. We always end our meal there with a cone of soft serve ice cream. For whatever reason, he never eats the very bottom of the cone, he always gives it to me. He says it's because he doesn't like it but I think he knows it's my favorite part.

It's nice to just hang out with him. His job recently changed so we actually see each other almost every night of the work week. We are spending more time together now than we have our entire marriage. Its a little scary, though... we can only spend so much time together before we start arguing... Same goes for me and all my friends. :-)

But so far no arguments. Maybe we just really missed each other. Maybe we have learned which buttons not to push.

Regardless, I am enjoying our new-found time together. I hope he is, too.

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